All the public-domain images used for link icons were obtained from the Library of Congress Prints & Photographs Online Archive. Click the images to see more details on the official archive pages.
“Our congressman” – Frederick Burr Opper, 1882
“Caricature showing congressman making patriotic speech in Congress in the past, and in the present as being bogged down with people lobbying for many different things.”
Herbert Johnson, 1913 (est.)
Sisyphean cartoon depicting child labor as propping up corporate profits.
The legend of Salem: “The Rev. George Burroughs was accused of witchcraft on the evidence of feats of strength, tried, hung, and buried beneath the gallows” – Frank Leslie’s illustrated newspaper, 1871
“A prospect of over-education” – J.S. Pughe, 1902
“Illustration shows a scene in an urban setting with many men wearing the cap and gown of college graduates, performing a variety of manual labor occupations, suggesting that a college education is available to men of all intellectual and skill levels.”
Delaware Water Gap – J. Queen, 1856
Dr. Chapman Hall’s canker and dyspepsia cure, 1870
“Patent medicine label showing Doctor Hall extolling medicine’s virtues to patient in bed.”
Map of California by the Rural Rehabilitation Division showing areas where different crops are grown, proposed location of initial camps for migrants, and routes of migration, 1935 (est.)
Fresh strawberries – Wm. Everdell’s Sons, 1868